The Power of the Law of Attraction

Before getting too involved in discussing the principles of the Law of Attraction as guides for your business, it’s important to be sure you grasp the power of this force.

Psychologists, educators and scientists have studied the concept of the Law of Attraction and some of their quotes make excellent starting points for understanding its full power.

“When the brain, heart and emotions comply, then the universe will give you what you want.” (Manish Sinha, Manager at Amensys)

“When the English poet W.C. Henley wrote the prophetic lines, ‘I am the Master of My Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul’, he should have informed us that the reason we are the Masters of our Fate, the Captains of our Souls is because we have the power to control our thoughts. He should have told us that the ether in which this little planet floats…is a form of energy…and is filled with a form of universal power which adapts itself to the nature of the thoughts we hold in our minds; and influences us, in natural ways, to transmute our thoughts into their physical equivalent.” (Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich)

“The resources you need to change anything in your life are within you right now. It’s just that you have a set of neuro-associations that habitually cause you to not fully utilize your capability.” (Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within)

“What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life.” (Catherine Ponder, Dynamic Law of Prosperity)

Notice the action words in these quotes: comply, power to control, change, radiate. The Law of Attraction is not some vague idea that involves people sitting quietly and meditating. It is an action filled concept that requires people to be affirmative, positive, able to change, and ready to attract if they want affirmative, positive and attractive things to happen in life. The idea is that your positive or negative vibrations are bound in physics. Your vibrations attract universe vibrations that match. It explains why someone can have a “bad day” that lasts all day or “be on a roll” where good things just seem to happen from morning to night. You do not function in a vacuum but are part of a larger universe where everything is interconnected. You absorb stimuli which turns into a thought and thoughts lead to behaviors.

The Law of Attraction is summarized in a couple of ways depending on which book you read:

  • Attract
  • Inspire
  • Act


Another summarization as outlined in the movie The Secret is:

  • Ask
  • Believe
  • Receive


You can attract positive vibrations or you can ask for positive results and become inspired to act in a way that proves your belief in positive results and then act or receive the positive benefits. In other words, you can think of yourself as successful; attract opportunities for
success; and then act on those opportunities.

It is possible to substitute negative for positive, but why would you? According to the law of attraction, you get what you ask for. It’s really that simple. There are plenty of people who ask for negative results, and sadly they don’t even realize that is what they are asking for. Many of these same people have started an internet business that failed, and they are also baffled as to why.

Before moving into the next section, let’s talk about the role of language. Words play such an important part in how our lives progress. It’s not just the words we speak either. We think about words too. In fact, we actually talk to ourselves in our heads. No … we are not sinking into
madness … just letting the inner voice express itself.

The inner voice is the internal voice that either encourages or discourages us. It may say things like:

  • Wow! I did well on that project!
  • Took some work, but I did it!
  • I can’t believe I failed.
  • I’ll never be able to do that job.
  • I’m so smart and talented.
  • I’m such a klutzand always messing things up.

I’m sure you noticed that this inner voice can be positive or negative. It can encourage us to work hard or to give up. There is a set of tools called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that are used to change how people think about themselves and their abilities. People are taught to start with positive images and positive words because they will lead to positive behaviors. NLP strategies are actually imbedded in the Law of Attraction on one level.

About this time you may be wondering what all this has to do with internet marketing. As you will see in the next section, marketing and public relations are no longer separate activities like they were before web based business began. The internet has led to two-way communication between marketers and customers. It has created the ability to produce a feast for the eyes that can be laid out with just a few clicks. All this means you can now do more than just market – you can establish rapport using a blend of technology, marketing, public
relations, customer service, images and words.

But the internet is also a busy place where you are competing against millions of other websites. Shame on you! No negative thoughts permitted if you are ready to apply the principles of the Law of Attraction to your business marketing. Here is your first test:

  1. True or False? I can learn to master internet marketing so that I build a strong customer base and a viable business online?
  2. True or False? I believe in my ability to succeed!

See how the Law of Attraction works? If you believe in yourself then you begin your internet marketing from a positive mindset. From that positive mindset you can build a business marketing plan that your customers find positive, uplifting and that makes them want to return
again and again to do business with you.

In the next section, we will consider 21 simple things you can do to grow your internet marketing business fast using the principles of the Law of Attraction. This is supposed to be an energetic exciting time so get ready to have some fun!

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